Sunday, December 30, 2007

Quiet Time ..

Wow I am sitting here and there is not one peep in the house! Hard to believe at 2 in the afternoon on a Sunday! I am enjoying this moment for I know there are very few of them! Gavie is laying here next to me on the couch taking a much needed nap. On the other side of me is Toto also napping. Nicholas is out shopping with Mimi and Papa. And here I am gabbing on the internet. I so should be napping as well!

I am so excited because I just ordered Sims 2 Seasons online. Slowly I will have all of them! I am just lagging! I also got Gavie the cutest pair of Old Navy overalls! Like he really needs anymore clothes! But they were to flippin adorable to pass up. Well I guess I will go try to lay down for a bit and enjoy the silence while it last. I know as soon as Nic gets home that will be over!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Greatest Christmas Gift ...

The day after Christmas my Mom had a Doctor appointment. She happens to see the same Doctor who delivered Gavie. Well my Mom had to go over to the Hospital to have some lab work done and who did she happen to run into ...

The Nurse who took the labs from Gavie's arm and stirred his Cancer up. My Mom introduced herself and said you do not probably know who I am but you treated my Grandson when he was a month old. She said the Nurse looked at her and said I remember him. He was the little baby who came in here with abnormal Liver levels in his newborn screen. She then went on to say Oh dear was there something wrong with his Liver. My Mom said No but you did find out what was wrong with him. The Nurse asked and my Mom told her that he was born with Cancer and that that one little needle stick saved his life. The Nurse bawled like a baby and said if anything that is what made her job worth everything. Just knowing that she saved his life even though it was not intentional. I always wanted to go back to the Hospital and Thank her for the gift she has given me. I am so glad my Mom got the opportunity to let her know what she means to us and the special place in our heart she has.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Our Christmas was filled with tons of joy and lots of love! Santa visited our house last night and left the boys tons of goodies. Nic got a new MP3 Player and DS! Along with some cool new video games and clothes and shoes! And Gavie got a new Kitchen set and Elmo's galore! He also got new shoes and clothes as well. I myself got what I have been wanting a new fondue set!!! Which I will be excited to play with! The boys played their hearts out today and poor lil Gavie didn't even stop to take a nap! Needless to say he was in bed by 7:30!

I will post some pics in a few when I go through them. I just now got a chance to upload them to my laptop.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

St. Peregrine

Gavin's friend Aleigha's Mommy found this and shared it with us so I wanted to put it on here as welll so we can share it! ....

St. Peregrine is the heavenly patron of those afflicted by cancer, by any ailment of the leg, or by any incurable disease.

Prayer to Saint Peregrine

O God, who gave to St. Peregrine an angel for his companion, the Mother of God for his Teacher, and Jesus for the physician of his malady: grant, we as You, through his merits, that we may on earth intensely love our holy angel, the Blessed Virgin, and our Saviour, and in heaven bless them forever, Grant that we receive the favor which we now petition through the same Christ out Lord Amen.

Say 1 our father, hail mary, Glory be to the father with the invocation : St. Peregrine pray for us.

St. Peregrine was converted by St. Philip, O.S.M. He entered the order of the servants of Mary in 1283. Thus began 62 years of unbelievable penance as Peregrine made reparation for the sins of his youth. His feast day is May 2nd. St. Peregrine is universally invoked as a PATRON of Cancer Victims because a cancerous growth on his own leg was miraculously cured.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Scars ..

Here are a couple pics of Gavie's scars these days. His Jobe is working wonders! It looks so much better then it had!

Silly Nic!

I finally got some new pics of Nicholas! Here he is being silly today.

My sleeping cutie patooties ..

Last night I took some pics of my cuties sleeping in their new bed. Here are a few.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I think I am going to cry ...

Gavie is officially a big boy! Tonight is the first night he slept in his big boy bed!!! I am so excited yet it breaks my heart. He is growing up way to fast.

It took him a little while to get used to actually going to sleep. He was so excited about getting his new bed! (The boys got a new bunk bed set today) But once things got calmed down and I laid down with him he dozed right off.

I will post some pics I took tomorrow of him snoozing away. He looks so adorable all snuggled up!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

When I Grow Up ...

Every Mommy waits for the day when their child comes up to them and says those sweet innocent words "Mommy when I grow up I want to be ...". Well for my oldest that time has come. Although it was something I was totally NOT expecting!

We were sitting here in the boys room playing and Gavie had one of his little Doctor masks on. Well I made the comment of when Gavie grows up he is going to be a Doctor and help save little sick kids just like him. Nicholas pipes up " I know what I want to be when I grow up Mom!" So I get all excited thinking he wants to be a musician or and actor. Maybe a Lawyer or Zoologist! But not my lil man. In true Nic fashion he busts out with ... " I want to be a Pizza Man!" OMG !!!! Of course it did not end there! He then goes on to let me know that he will also be hanging out at the Playboy Mansion with all the HOT HOT HOTTIES!!!! And basically Heff is an idol of his. LOVELY! I am hoping this to shall pass. Only my boys!

Almost done!

YAY I got it done!!! I just need to add my widgets and I will be all done!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Please excuse the mess!

I am in the process of trying to make my own template! So please excuse the mess until I am finished!!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

All in a name ...

Well I guess Gavie has decided to change his name. While playing this morning my Mom asked Gavie what his name was. His response .... APPLE!!!! Since when did my baby boy become Gweneth's child?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Don't say you are sorry ...

I have noticed that everyone who finds out about Gavie the first words out of their mouths is "I am so sorry". I know this is a common reaction to the situation but, it still stings. To me you say I am sorry when there is something you cannot fix. Gavie Jon will be fixed! He will be healed and live a normal and happy life just like any other little boy.

To feel sorry for him in my book only weakens him. He is a fighter!!! And one of the strongest little boys I know. How many people can say I was BORN with Cancer and overcame it! Even now he is not giving up. He is determined to prove his Docs wrong and use his right hand. This is the same hand that a year ago we were told he was 99% going to lose!!!!

So please don't feel sorry for him or for us. Cancer did not weaken us but only made us stronger! It brought new and wonderful people into our lives. People whom we would of never met if not for this icky word! It has opened our eyes to so much. It has taught us to give instead of take and to take time out to help those who need it. It has taught us not to take life for granted. And though we sadly have lost so many special friends along the way we know they lead the path for us. And are now happy and smiling free of pain and worries that no child should ever have.

So please NEVER feel sorry for us. For our lives are filled with so much joy each day we wake up and see Gavie smiling at us. To hear him say Mommy and do his crazy little Gavie things is my inspiration.

Am I sorry Gavie has Cancer .. No. I am sorry he has been through so much yes. But God chose him to be a fighter and to show people how to BELIEVE in Miracles. He was sent to me to show me how life is supposed to be lived! And for that I am forever grateful.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Random pics of the day ...

It is hard to believe ...

That this was Gavie a year and a half ago. My poor baby was skin and bones. These pics show so much.

Gavie Claus ...

Here are a couple of pics of Gavin in his new Christmas Jammies I got him! I have yet to redo them so they are not fancied up yet!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Don't you Mess with Gavie Jon!

Today we had the cable guy out to check on our cable. (Our phone line was breaking up and it is through the cable company) Well while he was here he messed with the cable in the boys room. Big mistake! Gavie was in his room watching HIS DORA! All of a sudden the cable guy unplugs the cable and POOF! Gavie's Dora disappeared! He cried for about a minute (more like a ticked off cry). Well a few minutes later the cable guy walks into the boy's room. Gavie looks up at him and in a serious tone goes ... FIX IT!!!! I had to try so hard not to laugh! The cable guy looked at me and goes I guess he told me! So the moral of this is DO NOT MESS WITH GAVIE'S DORA!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

The scars of life ...

These scars are a part of our everyday life. I used to cry at the thought of my beautiful baby boy living with these horrible scars on his precious little arm.

Now I smile knowing they are BATTLE scars. Scars showing a battle he is fighting and winning! He has overcome so many hurdles that we were told he would never be able to do!!!

Don't get me wrong ... I love his Ortho Doc, but I am so happy that Gavie is proving him wrong!! We were told he would never crawl and he did! We were told he would never be able to use his arm ,but you know what ... he is!!!! He is learning to eat with his hand and boy oh boy can he climb!!!

I am thankful for these scars. They have saved his life and these scars have taught me about love and caring. And to NEVER NEVER EVER take life for granted!!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So busy ...

Well we are all moved. Now it is just a matter of putting everything away!!!

Another Gavie Wowie!

Tonight I put Gavie to bed (he is sleeping in his playpen here at my Dad's). And I was laying on the couch (in the same room)watching tv. Well I noticed he got quiet so I peeked over at him to see if he was almost sound asleep and you know what that lil stinker was doing!!!! He was halfway over the playpen!!!! He was holding onto the corner and had both legs up on the bar! If I hadn't said omg he would of been up and over it! But I startled him and he slid back down into the playpen. And the Doc's said he had a bad arm. Seems he has some strength in it to me.

(Copied from Gavie's blog Oct. 25th)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Not as planned ...

Well today has not gone as planned but, then again in our lives when does it!? Gavie woke up with a little red runny nose and a slight cough. He looked liek Rudolph on Christmas Eve but, adorable none the less. So I decided to stay home with him. I want to get him well before the sniffles turns into an out of control major cold.

I am going tomorrow for 2 hours to Curves though to make up for it. I guess I feel guilty for missing. Plus I like working out. Which I NEVER thought I would!!!

I did manage to get the October field trip set up and out of the way! So on October 26th the kids will be going to Waterman's Farmers Market. They have a great hayride and pumpkin patch that the kids love plus this awesome Dinosaur that smashes pumpkins! I am sure we will have a blast!

Gavie is sitting here watching Cars. It is so cute!! He is starting to get into movies and tv shows now. He has his favorites though. Anything with Hannah Montana, Elmo, Tigger, or Cars. He is now starting to get into Diego and Dora as well!

He didn't have therapy today due to him feeling bad. I defiantly DO NOT want Lori getting sick!!! So next week therapy will resume. I also recieved a call from Brandy today. Seems we were missing each other. Gotta love phone tag! Gavie's appointment with the specialist is on December 7th at 1. I hate having to wait so long but, I know how it is getting in with these Docs. So we will see how it goes.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Getting used to this new schedule!

Well life has gotten a lot busier this week. As if it was not busy enough huh. I have started tutoring at Nicholas' school 2 hours a day 3 times a week. Along with Curves 3 times a week and all the Doctor and Dentist appointments between the 2 boys life is never dull!!!!

Tomorrow is especially busy. I have Curves and then Gavie has therapy along with my tutoring tomorrow afternoon. I know by the time I get home I will be ready to crash. Hopefully Gavie will do well with therapy. I know Lori (Gav's Therapist) will love for it to go smoothly as I know she will be exhausted!!! I honestly do not know how she does it. She is now going through Chemo and Radiation. Along with raising her 2 children and being a therapist. She is an amazing woman!

I am still awaiting the referal for Gavie to see the hand/arm specialist. I am really starting to get frustrated over this. His arm seems to get worse by the day. The scar tissue is already built back up on it. God only knows how much is underneath the skin. He seems to be using it as well as he can for now. At least his spirit is still high. And of course he never loses that beautiful smile. It amazes me how a little boy who has been through so much can smile so big. He has truly taught me life is worth living to the fullest.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

So excited!!!

I am so excited!!! Since Friday I have lost 4 lbs!!! I know it is not much but it makes me want to work toward my goal even more!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Long Day ...

Today seems like it has went on forever! I have been super tired which I don't know why because I was in bed by 1 last night. Which is early for me!!

Gavie was super busy this afternoon! We laid in the living room floor and played with his toys. He had a blast. He then had one of his favorites Animal Crackers for a snack. And of course then it was back to playing! Nic came home with the sniffles. UGH!!! He is supposed to have a root canal tomorrow morning but if he is not feeling well I am rescheduling it. I know I would not want to go through that already feeling like poopy. So I would never make him!

Other then that life here is the same. I am stressed over some recent issues with my ex-husband but I am used to it. I have learned to do it all on my own so I will find a way.

I'm Special ..

I'm Special ...
I am a special little boy sent down from up above ...
A beautiful lil man for my Mommy and Daddy to love ...
God made me perfect except for one little spot ...
A little bump to be found after I got a shot ...
I am my Mommy's lil Miracle ...
My Daddy's lil Superhero ...
When I am happy my big brown eyes shine ...
You would never guess I was so sick for quite a long time ...
I was sent down from God in the heavens above ...
To teach everyone about what it is to be loved ...
God whispered in my ear just before he let me go down to earth that day ...
Make your Mommy smile and let her know that everything is going to be ok ...
I have a scar on my arm that I show with pride ...
It is a reminder to never run from your fears and to never hide ...
I am special you see ...
I have super powers from chemotherapy ...
I may be really tiny and small ...
But I feel like I have already been through it all ...
So remember when your day is not filled with glee ...
That there are other special kids just like me ...
Those kids to were sent here special from God himself ...
To show us there is more to life then just greed and wealth ...
We all have a purpose in life the day we begin our own ...
As for me I am just beginning my adventures here at home ...
I am a very special little boy you know ...
Just watch me grow!!!
Dedicated to My lil Hero Gavin ...
Written by: Jodie Louthain

I wrote this poem for Gavie while he was going through his treatments.

My cutie patootie!

Gavie got a new hat today which he just loves! So I just had to take some pics!!! Here are a few!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Life as we know it ...

Well I figured my first blog on here should be about well us! I decided to call my blog SillyVille because that is us! We have been through so much as a family and through it all I have learned that laughter is the most important thing.

I am a single Mom to 2 wonderful little men! Nicholas is my oldest and he will be 8 in March! Gavin Jon is 20 months old and a miracle in the making. In March of 2006 when Gav was just a month old we were told news that would change our life forever. Gavin was born with a extremely rare Childhood Cancer called Infantile Fibrosarcoma (Cancer of the soft tissue). No Mother ever wants to hear her child is sick and to hear the word Cancer our life came apart. In the beginning we were told he may lose his arm. Which is where the tumor was. But we were determined to think positive and do anything in our power to beat this nasty disease. Gav is now in REMISSION! We still have our ups and downs but, that is life in SillyVille.