Sunday, August 23, 2009

Week 33 - “Nostalgia”

This pic was taken at Give Kids the World a place in FL. for children with special needs to stay while on their Make A Wish trips to DisneyWorld.  I chose this pic because it brings back so many wonderful memories we had their as a family. 

For the first time in a loooooooooong time we did not have to worry about Chemo treatments, Blood Transfusions. MRIs,CT Scans. or any other crazy Surgery or Test. We had such a great time that week in FL. Gavin got to be himself and not worry about the scars covering his arm or the spot on his chest next to his heart where his Central (Lifeline) Line had once been. 

He played with precious children who were in wheelchairs, and a Beautiful little Lady who was sporting the "Chemo" hairdo he once had. At this special place however there were no illneses only beautiful children running and playing and laughing at all the wonders GKTW has to offer. 

Everytime I look at these pictures I tear up remembering all the wonderful times that were had that week and all the great memories that were made.

To see more wonderful pics go on over to iheart faces! There are some real talented Mommy's over there ......

P.S To go with the theme of this week this place is made to look like a cross between Alice in Wonderland and the game CandyLand! The ice Cream Parlor in which this pic was taken in has a HUGE CandyLand game board mounted in a frame on the wall. It is truly a magical place to stay!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 32 - “Bubbles”

This week's challenge at iheart faces is Bubbles!!! I have just the pic for this week too! Here is my little guy trying his hardest to blow some bubbles in the bathtub. I think this pic is absolutly priceless because you can just see on his face how hard he is trying to get those bubbles to come out of the wand!